The Art of Discomfort: Challenging Societal Numbness

I am disturbed and concerned by the general numbness in our society and through art I seek to punch this drowsiness that we can't afford.

strangers from “Planted” series - Different technique on canvas 200x240 cm. painting by Inbar Hasson 

In our modern world, we've tailored such comfortable lives for ourselves that deep empathy often eludes us. This self-made cocoon of comfort has, over time, led to a societal numbness, a drowsiness we can ill afford.

Art, in its essence, possesses a unique ability to communicate, to evoke raw emotions, and to prompt introspection. It catches us unprepared, touching us on different levels, not always consciously. As Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman once said, "No one ever made a decision because of a number. They need a story." This resonates deeply with the power of art. While we might be aware of facts and figures, it's often a compelling narrative or a powerful image that moves us, that stirs something within

b_side project by Inbar HassonGlobal Edition

The role of art, as I see it, is to be a unique communication channel, one that exposes us to ideas and realities we might otherwise ignore. In my opinion, it's not just an opportunity but a duty for artists to use this platform to raise awareness, to question, and to inspire change. Concepts like "Effective Altruism" or "Sapienship" intrigue me, urging me to use my art to shift the discussion to the most pressing issues.

Ocean blue from “Background check” series - Mixed Media on paper. By Inbar Hasson

Two swans from”Planted’ series-  Different technique on canvas 200x240 cm. painting by Inbar Hasson

Through my artistic journey, I've had the privilege of engaging in many enlightening discussions and meeting diverse individuals. Each interaction has been a source of inspiration and learning. I invite you to be a part of this ongoing dialogue, to share your perspectives, and to explore the narratives I present in my work.

Discover more about my artistic endeavors and join the conversation at


Save a Child's Heart: My Art Exhibition at GLUE Amsterdam 2023


Child Dies from Malaria Every Two Minutes: How Can We Sleep at Night?